Step 2: Attract The Right Volunteers

Who are your ideal volunteers?

The next step is to define your ideal volunteer profile so that you can craft your messages and choose the right channels and activities. 

Think about the type of volunteer you’d like to attract. Get very specific about their individual motivations and details including who they are and what roles would be suitable for them. 

It can be helpful to think about great current or past volunteers as you do this. The more detail you have, the more effective your messages can be. 

Here are a few examples of volunteer profiles to use as inspiration:

  • Janet is a 55-year-old retired teacher who is looking for ways to stay active in her post-retirement years while still giving back to the community she loves.
  • Ahmed is a 47-year-old father of 3 who is a newcomer to his community. He wants to meet people in his new city and build his network at the same time.
  • Hanna is a local 16-year-old high school student who needs to complete her community involvement hours.

Choose the Perfect Potential Volunteer

  1. Be open to new types of volunteers for your organization, such as students, newcomers, pre-retirement professionals, etc. Consider whether your organization has barriers in place that may make it difficult for these potential recruits (e.g. hours, roles, etc.)
  2. Different volunteers can be motivated by different things, such as the desire to make a difference, stay active, get work experience, meet new people, or support the community. Tune in to what’s true for your ideal volunteers for this campaign.
  3. Remember that some volunteers – perhaps especially those who are retired or nearing retirement – may want volunteer roles that are very different from their career or professional experience. Offer the opportunity to try something new.


Complete Step 2 in the Campaign Creator Workbook.

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