Step 7: Assess and Adjust Your Campaign

How is your campaign going so far?

With your campaign launched and running, you have the opportunity to consider real-world performance and feedback from potential volunteers. Review your results, refine your campaign based on what you learn, and then keep going. 

There are many reasons why your campaign might not perform how you’d like it to, like: 

  • Unrealistic goals
  • Focusing on demographics that aren’t interested in or able to meet job requirements
  • Core messages that don’t appeal 
  • Channels that don’t connect with your ideal volunteer, either because they aren’t there or because they aren’t open to recruitment messages when they are
  • Not enough eyes on your campaign
  • Unclear, lackluster, or “high friction” calls to action

As you review your campaign performance and analytics, choose a few adjustments you can make and keep going. Stay focused – changing many things at once can make it hard to understand what’s really having an impact.

Assess and Adjust Your Campaign

What is working and what is not? Check-in on your campaign and consider: 

  • What will you stop doing?
  • What will you start doing?
  • What will you continue doing?


Complete Step 7 in the Campaign Creator Workbook.

This training is made possible through funding from the Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility through the Ontario Community Support Program. The views expressed in the publication do not necessarily reflect those of the Province.

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