Step 5: Design Your Campaign Materials

What marketing materials do you need to create?

By now you should have a clear sense of your campaign plan and where you want to promote your need for volunteers.

In order to get your word out, you’ll probably need to create some content and marketing materials for the various channels you’ve chosen to focus on.

Don’t have a marketing person or designer to assist you? Try using
Canva, a FREE design tool that makes D.I.Y. content creation accessible to organizations like yours.

Create Your Campaign Materials With Canva

  1. Start by collecting your logos, brand guidelines, stock images, etc. so you have the right assets to work with.
  2. Log-in or create your free Canva account if you don’t already have one. As a non-profit you can even apply to upgrade to a pro account for free.
  3. Choose a pre-designed volunteer recruitment template. Customize the template with your messaging, brand colors, fonts, and images.
  4. Browse Canva’s tutorials on how to design like a pro, collaborate with your team and more!
    Download a final version of your materials to use in your recruitment campaign or schedule directly to various social media platforms from right within the Canva platform.


Complete Step 5 in the Campaign Creator Workbook.

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